Yours Mine & Ours

The daily chaos and special moments of a typical American blended family

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Mother's Month!

We had an early Mother's Day celebration at Shel-Shel's house. It was a gorgeous day. The kids swam and played, and the mommies visited and ate. The best part? No men...just ladies and babies.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Outside Table Please!

On nice days (which are too few and far between) we've been having our breakfast on the deck.

He's getting good at using silverware all by himself too!

5k Walk for Ashlie

Cash and I participated in a 5k fundraising walk for the Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House. Ashlie Snyder, the daughter of one of my co-workers, was one of the guests of honor. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and had to steal these pics from Rocco, who incidentally raised $1,445.00 for the event. Way to go Rocco!

Go Cardinals

Kamden started Little League a couple of weeks ago. He's on the Cardinals. We're very excited to have our old soccer coach, Coach Mark.

Moto Kids

A couple of weekends ago we went on a riding/camping trip with some family and friends (Jim & Kay, Mike & Mary, Holly & Johnny, Jake & Christina). It was nice and relaxing. Breann and Kamden got lots of quality riding time. I got to go for a nice loooooong hike, and Cash got to get really really dirty.

Kamden catching air!

Dillon going big.

Crash Bandicoot...Breann. She manages to have a good wipe out every trip, but she dusts herself off and gets back on the bike.

I'm too little to ride, but I have some sweet moto jammers.


This year's Easter was nice and mellow. We had our traditional very early morning holiday breakfast at Shane's parents house. We came home and did Easter baskets, and had an egg hunt. It would have been Cash's first egg hunt that he actually participated in, but he was exhausted, cranky, and ready for his nap. There was nothing I could do to hold Kamden back so the egg hunt went on without him. Oh well, there's always next year.

Later that day we went to Aunt Toni and Uncle Mike's house in Ventura. It was lovely(except for the earthquake),and the food was fabulous! (no pics of Kamden & Breann as they had to go back to their mom's house before we left for Ventura.)

Doing Tricks for the camera.

The bug catcher.

My mom and corn on the cob...what more could you ask for?

Aunt Toni, Cousin Lisa, Auntie Jen, and Me

Mom's Gonna Be Maaaaaaad!

I came home from work to find this. Needless to say, i was not happy. Someone let him eat a whole chocolate bunny at one time. I was pretty mad at the time, but not too mad to snap a picture.

And what are the white things? Marshmallows? Someone call the bad parent police!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!