I would like to interrupt the regularly scheduled blog to brag, if I may, about my child. Of course I may, it's my blog isn't it? Someone asked me how old he was when he started walking, and I had to really think about it. "Uhhh...I think he was about eight months...I think," was my reply. How sad! I didn't write down the date and I think the only pictures I got were with a cell phone camera.
So now I would like to make a list (for myself really) of some of the ingenious things he can do.
Mobility: He can walk, run, spin around in a circle, walk backwards, and climb EVERYTHING.
Motor Skills: Wave, clap, give a "fist bump", blow a kiss, and shrug his shoulders when you say "Where'd it go?"
Spoken Words: Mamma, Dadda, Poppa,Grandma, Sissy, dog, meow, hot, Elmo, and vroom vroom!
Signed Words: milk, eat, more, all done, and please (I bet he could learn more, but that's all I know to teach him).
Commands: When I say "Go get a book," he goes to his book shelf, picks out a book, and brings it to me to read. When I say, "Throw it away," he takes whatever he's holding to the trash can. (He sometimes throws away other things too...car keys... remote controls).
He is absolutely in love with Elmo. He brings me the DVD case for his favorite Elmo movie and demands that I put it on for him (I try to make him at least show the sign for please). We have made a rule that he gets two Elmo movies a day, otherwise he will be in an Elmo induced trance all day long. Yesterday morning we were cuddling in bed and he was singing "Mo-Mo" over and over.
His favorite book. I could recite it in my sleep. He kisses each and every page.